Thursday, May 15, 2014

Today: Community Development Codes (SmartCodes?)

CDC:  Community Development Codes

Community Development Code Updates

Thursday, May 15, 2014
4:00-6:00 p.m.

Presentations at 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. with an opportunity for questions and 
discussion with staff after each session.

City Hall, Council Chambers – 380 A Avenue, Lake Oswego, OR

Community Development Codes
Community development codes are codes that a jurisdiction develops related to land use.  How land uses are organized - where the single family homes, multifamily dwellings, commercial and industrial uses go;  How transportation patterns intersect with land use;  How high and how big buildings can be, etc.  The "Euclidian" method of land use planning was to cut land up into zones, each having a distinct purpose.  The new thinking in land use is "form-based" codes that mix land uses rather than spread them out, with a few exceptions (industrial, adult businesses, etc.) .

Wikipedia has the best description of what SmartCodes are  (the link is HERE) and how they fit into what is being suggested for the streamlined code updates for Lake Oswego.  The Wiki page is a must-read to prep you for discussions on development codes, followed by searches for Smart Growth, etc.  One aspect of the Lake Oswego draft codes is that they are intended to "remove barriers to mixed use."  Or, to make it easier for developers to construct the kinds of buildings they need to make mixed use construction "pencil out" and thus achieve the planning goals of a "compact city" form.  Mixed use with medium or high density buildings that include housing and retail, AND are connected to (high capacity) transit, constitute the goals of Smart Growth.  SmartCode is about creating "vibrant" "walkable" "mixed use" neighborhoods.  Look at the draft codes and imagine Lake Oswego in the future.  Is this what Lake Oswegans want?  

Modern SmartCodes are "Form-based" codes.  
From Wikipedia, "SmartCode"
Model Code – The SmartCode is a model code, with metrics designed to create a generic medium-sized American city structured into walkable neighborhoods. The model code is freeware, a template meant to be locally customized by professional planners, architects, and attorneys.
Form-Based – The SmartCode is a form-based code. Conventional Euclidean zoning regulates land development with the most emphasis on controlling land use. Form-based zoning has been developed over the last twenty years to overcome the problems of sprawl created by use-based codes. Form-based zoning regulates land development with the most emphasis on controlling urban form and less emphasis on controlling land uses (although uses with negative impacts, such as heavy industry, adult businesses, etc. are still regulated). Urban form features regulated under the SmartCode include the width of lots, size of blocks, building setbacks, building heights, placement of buildings on the lot, location of parking, etc.

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