Thursday, May 15, 2014

Code Updates: Dates you should know

Code Updates:  Dates you should know

Note: Information on all code changes, how to make comments, contact persons, dates for hearings, etc. Are on the main page for this topic.  I strongly encourage you to visit this page for updates and helpful information.

The planning department is making a sincere effort to incorporate public comments into their work and/or presentations to council, so PLEASE take the opportunities to do so.  1.  Make written comments to the planning staff (see instructions on main page above)  on each code section.  2.  Write testimony for the Planning Commission Public Hearings (or testify in person).   3.  Tell your friends.

Very Soon: 
Testify at the Planning Commission Hearing on May 28.  Testimony in writing at least a day in advance, preferably sooner, is welcomed.  Label your correspondence "Testimony" with the land use number (in this case LU 14-0014) and the meeting date.  Persons may also testify in person even if they have submitted written testimony.

Annual Code Updates (LU 14-0014)
May 28 – Planning Commission Hearing
June 29  - City Council

Coming up:
Send in comments regarding the non-conforming uses and variances (see main topic page for how to comment) and testify at the hearing (search city website for LU 14-0018) to find actual documents.  Read Staff Reports from previous Planning Commission Work Sessions for more information.  Be prepared for Planning Commission Hearing at end of July - you may send in written testimony whether you will be at home or on vacation. The same dates apply for both Nonconforming Uses and Variances and Clear and Objective Housing Standards.  

Non-conformities and Variances (LU 14-0018):
June 23 – Planning Commission work session to review public comments on Discussion Draft

July 28 – Planning Commission hearing
September/October, 2014 – City Council Hearing

Clear & Objective Housing Standards (LU 14-0019):
June 23 – Planning Commission work session to review public comments on Discussion Draft

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