Sunday, May 11, 2014

This is Public Involvement in Lake Oswego

Is this the best that the City of Lake Oswego can do?  Perhaps it is.  As a former teacher, I would judge this (Public Involvement) effort to be at best, a "D-" , and depending upon the intent behind the poor showing, maybe an "F".  The citizens of Lake Oswego deserve better.  In fact, we deserve the best money can buy, because with the most employees per capita (and overall), especially in the Public Works and Planning departments,*  there isn't any excuse for not getting the "A" level of service we are paying for.

It is fortunate for the citizens that, with a request for an extension, there is time for the TMDL Implementation Plan to be done right - to be done in the open so that citizens can know what is in it, and what the implications are.

You should, however, log on to the City's website and:  1. Read the TMDL and consider the impacts on you or your neighbors, and   2. Leave a comment at Open City Hall telling the city Staff what you think of their Plan, and/or what you think of section 5.4 Public Involvement.  Keep asking yourself why LO would rather not advertise the contents of this report, and how does the Plan fit with the City's commitment to "fix" the onerous Sensitive Lands and Tree Code regulations.

One last note- by submitting a comment to the Open City Hall website, you preserve the right to appeal the Plan to the director of the State DEQ.  (If I got that wrong, please let me know so I may correct it.). Please view these websites for further documentation on State law:

OAR 340-042-0070   Defines requirements for public involvement and how citizens may appeal for reconsideration by the Director - also has definitions for water quality terms
OAR 137-004-0080    Explains how those who have been affected by the TMDL can petition for a judicial review

Acronym List:  (Very helpful!)

From the draft TMDL Implementation Plan

5.4 Public Involvement
The City addresses public involvement for management strategies described in Section 2 in conjunction with its NPDES MS4 permit requirements.
Public involvement will be provided for this TMDL Implementation Plan (and associated management strategies highlighted in Section 3.3) through use of the City’s Open City Hall website ( The TMDL Implementation Plan will be posted on the City’s website and available for public review for 14 days. Comments will be received, logged, and responded to by City staff prior to submitting the final version of this document to DEQ. 

* See the post titled, "Do you know the numbers?" For details on employee and budget data.

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