Saturday, May 10, 2014

Another plan to review... but be quick about it!

This is being done with so little notice,
you know it can't be good.  

Read the document and then read the next 
Up Sucker Creek post about the Draft TMDL.

The TMDL Implementation Plan 2014 - 2019, that is the Total Maximum Daily Load Implementation Plan for the City's Healthy Watersheds, is being updated and adding new regulations regarding stormwater, and effectively, all water in the City.  I will read it to give you a heads up, but with Brown and Caldwell* as consultants on the project, what is there to worry about?    

The city has the TMDL Plan on its Open City Hall web page seeking comments from citizens.  Be quick!  There are only 6 days left for comments!  This topic closes at 5 pm, May 16.  Use the link above to access the survey.  The item is also featured in the News and Announcements section of the City Home Page.  So far (Saturday, May 10, 2:00 pm), there are zero comments.  Does anybody know who reads the statements and what is done with citizen comments?  

Comments sought on the draft Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Implementation Plan for the City's Healthy Watersheds' Surface Water Management Program.  

Links to Public Work' plans, programs and reports are HERE.

Brown and Caldwell is the firm that did the Water Supply Study for the Lake Oswego - Tigard Water Partnership.  They estimated our need to be much greater than it is which resulted in LO signing on with Tigard to build a bloated, expensive, and unwise water system that we don't own anymore (ownership is through a partnership).  Brown and Caldwell did not take our conservation efforts into account, nor the fact that LO had enough water to last for 20 more years with our current growth, usage and supply.  

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