Tuesday, May 27, 2014


This came across my desk today.  Can you identify where this came from and what city the author is comparing his/hers to?  

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Is traffic making you mad?  Commuters at a standstill, delays, nowhere to park.  With higher densities the greater concentration of people in an area means more traffic.  We see this all around the world.  The greater the density the greater the traffic.

Planning policies are about to make this infinitely worse.  Have you noticed the steady deterioration since the Government began applying high-density policies?  We recently perceived a faint glimmer of hope when the government stalled on forcing high-density into communities and instead briefly concentrated on developing the periphery of the city.  This is now being reversed.  In what is becoming a Sydney-wide trend, the Sydney Morning Herald reports that high-rise is being planned for Epping and  Lidcombe.  There are many others in the pipeline.

High-density planners say Sydney           should emulate Paris                  where they tell us everyone goes by public transport.  Sure, central Paris               , the part that tourists and planners see, is well-served with public transport.  But they do not seem to see the much larger balance of metropolitan P     aris           which is badly served by public transport.  The small area of central Paris                   cannot be considered a separate entity, all Paris                areas are interdependent.  In fact most journeys in Pari     s           are by car – only 24% are by public transport.

Congestion brings pollution.  Air pollution kills more people than traffic accidents. See the attached article from the  Australian Financial review of 19 March 2014 “Polluted Pa            ris           imposes car bans”.

Unless we wake up, this is our future.  Don’t believe the planners.  Paris           is no panacea.  Congestion, pollution, nowhere to park.  Save Our Suburbs proposes much more acceptable planning policies.


  1. Can you guess what city it's from and what city it's being compared to? I will try to answer this tomorrow when I have some time. Tonight is the PC hearing on code amendments.
