Monday, May 26, 2014

CC road funding options

Clackamas County is starting its 2014-2015 Budget process this week.  As with just about all jurisdictions, road maintenance expenses are the big black hole in the picture.  By state law, no property tax money can be used for road maintenance, so all money for roads must come from other sources - gas taxes, street fees, and the like.  Read County Roads and Road Funding on the County website.  While there are still decisions to be made, you might want to look at the County's options and see what might work best for you.  

Below, the option most favored by county citizens (sample of those most likely to vote) is the VRF - Vehicle Registration Fee.  This fee came up for a vote a few years ago when Multnomah County was looking for help funding the new Sellwood Bridge.  At that time the fee would have been $5 per car per year.  The County can impose a fee of any amount up to the state vehicle registration charge, but not over.  With this option, proceeds would be shared with cities in the county.  

Of the remaining options, creating a road taxing district tied to property value would have a big impact on Lake Oswego taxpayers who are already struggling with rising costs of living.  

If you have an opinion about how the county should fund road repairs, let the Board of Commissioners know.  Now.  

Clackamas County survey of road funding options:  (4/22/14)

Support for Tax or Fee Options 

A County vehicle registration fee with a set charge per vehicle per year    
| 13% | 26% | 13% | 43% |

County-wide gas tax added on to each gallon of gas purchased in the County 
| 12% | 25% | 12% | 48% |

A dedicated County road taxing district with a payment for road maintenance based on the assessed value of property
| 6% | 23% | 19% | 45% |

A transportation utility fee charged to County residents/businesses with a monthly bill
| 6% | 23% | 19% | 45% |

     Strongly support        Smwt support        Smwt oppose          Strongly oppose
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