Sunday, April 6, 2014

Good things in small packages

Not suburban infill maybe, and some not big enough for a family to live in, but big impact indeed!

Small Buildings With Big Impact
Wall Street Journal, April 5-6, 2014

Good ideas often come in small packages. That was the inspiration for writer Philip Jodidio's new book "Small Architecture Now!" (Taschen, $59.99). It includes 64 structures, a third of them residential, that show how diminutive design can make a big architectural statement. As reduced budgets have led to more interest in smaller buildings, architects have found other benefits too—such as greater creativity. With bigger buildings, some clients "shy away from doing things that are unusual and inventive," says Mr. Jodidio. And as architect Tom Kundig told the author about his single-room Gulf Islands Cabin on a small island near Canada's Vancouver Island: "It's so small you have to go outside. That's the point!"
         Mazama, WA                                                                Ensenada, Mexico
          Gulf Islands, BC                                                           Tokyo, Japan  

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