Monday, April 7, 2014

Architectural Victory

Daily Journal of Commerce, by Inka Bajandas, April 3, 2014

An architectural victory for autistic students

A rural setting is expected to help foster education at Victory Academy, on the edge of Wilsonville. 
(Opsis Architecture)

Opsis Architecture partner James Meyer has designed many educational spaces, but a new one for students with autism was a unique challenge.
“There are lots of subtle issues that are engaged in the space,” he said. “Literally nothing is accidental in the design.”
Last summer, Opsis staffers started designing a new home for Wilsonville-based Victory Academy. With 38 students enrolled last fall, the nonprofit private school for children with autism has reached capacity in the church space it leases.
“They were in a search for a new site,” Meyer said. “Really, the right thing to do was build a new school that was designed for autistic children.”

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