Tuesday, March 11, 2014

TSP Public Hearing Dates

The Planning Commission 
will hold a public hearing regarding 
the Transportation System Plan on 
March 24, 6:30 
in the Council Chambers at City Hall.  

Citizens may comment on any aspect of the Plan which includes these transportation project types:

  • Trail system - local and regional
  • Pathway - pedestrian only - typically asphalt
  • Pathway - combined bike and pedestrian
  • Sidewalks - concrete curb & gutter
  • Bike path - shoulder, separated
  • Roadway up-classifications
  • Transit - bus routes and possible future HCT
  • Did I forget anything?
Note:  Some pathways and bike paths appear to be recreational only and not intended for transportation - accomplishing daily tasks.  The TSP does not make that distinction even though some seem obviously one or the other.  Some local paths cut through private property - parking lots and at property lines - but these are not clearly marked either.  

City Traffic Engineer, Amanda Owings, may be able to help you if you have questions.

Read the documents at the Transportation Advisory Board webpage - you will need to unzip the files.  Once unzipped, there are two PDF files - one titled "Body" and the other labeled "Technical Appendices".  Both have good material, but start with the Body.  Projects are listed in charts and shown on maps.  

It would be best if testimony is written and sent to the Planning Commission prior to the meeting.  


  1. How can the PC hold a hearing when TAB has not voted ob the TSP and has been told many changes need to be made by staff??????????????

  2. Challenge: find the draft TSP on the City website. Gone!
