Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Train Day in Tigard

Actually, it's not about trains per se, it's about High-Capacity Transit options in Tigard.  A group of Tigard citizens want the public to vote on whether or not they want a HCT system running through their city.  The HCT could be either Bus Rapid Transit or Light Rail.

The debate on this issue has been raging for quite awhile and some prominent locals and local and regional corporations and unions have lobbied against it.

Today is the day everyone will see which side won.  It would be nice to know what the voters were thinking when they cast their votes.  Did Tigard ever do a survey of its citizens to gauge their willingness to have a HCT line in their city, or the development that comes with it?

It's not business as usual anymore - citizens want more of a say in how their city grows and functions in order to maintain the quality of life (or livability) they desire.

Go Tigard!  

Whichever way the vote turns out, I hope that Lake Oswego will retain its independence to choose its own path into the future.
It's our city after all.  

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