Saturday, December 21, 2013

West Linn recall petitions ready for signatures

Once again, West Linners are at odds with their mayor and council, no doubt over the controversy over handling of the Lake Oswego - Tigard Water Partnership.  The ripple of discord among citizens crosses many boundaries.

West Linn Tidings
December 19, 2013

The four petitioners — residents Karie Oakes, Reena Heijdeman, E. Marie Horvath and Sommer — allege that the city councilors broke their oaths of office by violating public meetings laws, “failing to represent the best interests of West Linn citizens,” “ignoring recommendations from city advisory boards and commissions” and “failing to assert proper control and direction over the city manager and city attorney.”
With their paperwork officially approved by the city and Secretary of State Elections division, the petitioners will each have 90 days to gather the 1,844 signatures needed to trigger an election.

Petitioners get approval to begin signature gathering to recall West Linn mayor, 2 councilors 
Oregonian, December 11, 2013

The residents also accuse the officials of putting regional interests ahead of those of West Linn residents, risking the community's physical safety and financial security by ignoring the recommendations of commissions and advisory boards, and failing to assert their authority over City Manager Chris Jordan and the city attorney's office. 

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