Monday, December 23, 2013

Key Calendar Dates

The new year starts with a rush of activity at city hall.  The Council will be setting goals for 2014, and the Transportstion System Plan (draft) will be presented to the public before the final rounds of changes.

On Jan. 8, there will be two important meetings back-to-back, the Council Open House to meet with citizens and have a cookie, and share their thoughts for the upcoming year.  Later the same night, the Transportation System Plan Advisory Committee will meet at city hall.

Council Open House and Community Reception

Open House/Community Reception 
5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Willamette Room at the West End Building
Wednesday, January 8.  

Later that week, the Council will meet to set goals for 2014.

Transportation System Plan Advisory Committee
7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Council Chambers at City Hall
Wednesday, January 8

There will be time for public comment at the beginning of the meeting.  It is extremely difficult to know what one should be commenting on.  The last TSPAC meeting on December 11, did not have any staff reports or handouts posted to the TAB meeting website.

Another important date for Transportation planning will be an Open House for the public to learn about plans, changes and projects for the city.  The same night, the Planning Commission will be having a study session on the TSP.  if there are any documents posted to the PC meeting website for the TSP discussion, it would be a good idea to read them prior to the Open House.

Transportation Advisory Committee Open House
Time and place TBD
January 27

Planning Commission Study Session     
Time TBD
Place TBD
January 27 

 There will be a more thorough discussion of transportation issues in future posts, but these dates are key in the decision-making process, so get them on your calendar now and plan to attend.

After all, it's our city.  


  1. The TAB is going to look at the TSP. The TSP should be consistent with the recent modifications to the Comp Plan. will it be?

    1. That's the idea. On Jan. 8, the TSPAC (Transportation System Plan Advisory Committee), made up of the TAB plus transportation planners from ODOT, Metro and the county, the LO police, the asst. city engineer and transportation planner, and fire dept. rep., will convene a final time to look at the TSP draft that has been done so far and is still in the works. Presumably this is the Plan that will be presented at the Open House later in the month, and discussed by the Planning Commission the same night. I am assuming there will be minor changes (or not) and the plan will be sent to council for approval, but this part is conjecture .

      Keep watching for updates on this topic - it's going to be a crucial element of the Comp Plan. Some work by consultants has been done already as the TSP has been in the works for a couple of years -to coincide with the comp plan which was delayed, as it is part of the plan itself.
