Monday, December 30, 2013

Quote of the day

Quote of the day: 

Dr. Benjamin S. Carson, from his Facebook page:

Unfortunately we now have people in authority who aren't particularly interested in the opinions of We The People as they hold that they still know best. They are incapable of admitting fault or failure amongst their own behalf. This sounds strangely akin to a dictatorship and if we are not very careful and vigilante that is exactly what this nation will become. The changes may not be intentional in terms of our governing structure and the majority of people may not even perceive what is happening until it is too late. Now is the time to understand what the phrase Liberty and Justice for all mean.

In the quote above, Carson is referring to the public's dislike of Obamacare.  The subject could just as easily have been any of a number of issues where government trounces public opinion in favor of a pre-determined political or idealogical agenda.  (Streetcar?  Density?  Sensitive Lands?)  

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