Monday, December 30, 2013

January 2014 Meeting Dates and Issues

Mark your calendars and prepare your input for the following important meetings.  Several key meetings are being held in the first full week of January, so this week is particularly busy.  Try to make as many meetings as possible and/or email or call your city council members with your comments.  The Comp Plan is in its FINAL round of hearings as a complete document and the Transportation System Plan is nearing completion and due for public input.

Attend the open House on the 8th (or send an email) to let your council know what you want and don't want from your city government.  This is your big chance to be heard before events take place!

1/7   |   Tue.  |  City Council Mtg.  |  7:00 pm  |  City Hall

1/8   |  Wed.  |  City Council Open House / Reception  |  5:30 - 7:30 pm  |  WEB Willamette Rm.
                        Invitation to public to share ideas for 2014 City Council goals
1/8   |  Wed.  |  Transportation Advisory Committee  |  7-9 pm  |  City Hall
                         Meeting with TSP Advisory Committee to review Transportation System Plan update

1/9   |  Thur.  |  Comp Plan CAC  |  4-6 pm  |  Main Fire Station, 300 B Ave.  
                         Review Comp Plan Consolidated Package

1/11  |   Sat.   |  City Council Goal Planning Session  |  9:00 - 3:00  |  Holy Names Heritage 
                         Center, Mary's Woods

1/13  |  Mon.  |  Planning Commission  |  6:30 pm  |  City Hall
                         Public Hearing on LU 13-0068, Comp Plan Amendments (Consolidated Package)
                         Testimony must be turned in by 5 pm on 1/13.  Click for Public Hearing Notice 

1/27  |  Mon.  |  Transportation Advisory Committee Open House  |  4:30-6:30 pm  |  City Hall
                        Presentation of the Transportation System Plan (TSP) Update Draft to the public

1/27  |  Mon.  |  Planning Commission  |  6:30 pm  |  City Hall
                        Transportation System Plan update work session

2/24  |  Mon.  |  Planning Commission  |  6:30 pm  |  City Hall
                         Public Hearing on the TSP.  No details yet.  Date may change.

Note:  The TSP Update Draft has not been made available to the public as yet, though Up Sucker Creek will continue trying in order to report to readers what steps have been taken so far and what preliminary plans have been made.  Another request for information is in the works.  

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