Friday, November 1, 2013

This Weekend - More to do (sigh)

This is exhausting.  It isn't as if we all don't have regular jobs, families and lives to lead.  But sitting back and letting government do its job is no longer an option when what we are getting is not what we want.  There are people who spend their entire working lives, being paid by taxpayers they are supposed to serve, pumping out policies and codes that will transform the character of our city in ways most of us will not like.

We've seen the rumblings with the opposition to the streetcar, the Foothills Development and now the Wizer Block.  But this is just the beginning of the increasing density (here it comes Lake Grove TC!), traffic and parking reductions and TIF financing, and the Comp Plan and Community Development Codes support it.  The Comp Plan is the underpinning of Land Use decisions in every town in the US, so there's a reason it has been so fiercely controlled and fought over since its inception.

The final public hearing for the Comp Plan's Package 1 will be with the City Council on Tuesday, November 5 at 7:00 pm at City Hall.   I know it's a lot to do, but if you have any hope for keeping the fad concepts out of our city's future, read the Plan, and testify in writing and/or in person.  The future of Lake Oswego is at stake.  Any questions?

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