Friday, November 1, 2013

Interesting items in the LO Review this week

Pg. A-12   Citizen's View
Levy supports our schools and our homes
By Greg Macpherson

Reminds me of the puff pieces by Mr. Macpherson in the months prior to the 2012 mayoral campaign.  The opinion piece is about support of LO schools, but the bio at the end says to me, "I am still a candidate for something in the future -- don't forget about the streetcar!"  Of course, there are other interpretations that might fit too.

Pg. A-13. Citizen's View
Council needs to change vote and fix our streets
By Gerry Good

Good writes about the city council's recent vote to approve a LED street light program for the city that will take money from the city's street maintenance fund at a time when the council promised to fix a backlog of street maintenance problems.  On Oct. 8, Public Works director, Guy Graham, announced the dept. would need 3 more project managers.   Both of these developments were a shock to the Citizen's Budget Committee that approved public works funds for streets, not lights, and not additional city personnel.  We need more information about why increasing the city's staff is sustainable and how that factors into any program savings.

Up Sucker Creek wants to know if the city is receiving any benefit of the PGE grants for LED street lights that was reported in January.  The city council was lobbied hard to retain the sustainability director position when there were demands to eliminate it, so this Blog would also like to know how Ms. Millhauser was involved in this plan?  USC notes that Good's viewpoint is almost buried on the LO Review website - you really have to look for it - while Duke Castle's is prominent.

Pg. A-8
Council decision on LEDs will generate substantial savings
By Duke Castle

No one will argue with Castle's position that LED lighting will save the city money spent on electric energy usage as well as offering other meaningful benefits.  He supports the move to LED lighting (as most people do though there have been problems with too-bright lights in neighborhoods) but does not put the implementation costs into an overall budgetary perspective.  Saving money is great, if you can afford it.  Getting a great deal on windows is super, but not while the roof is leaking.

Following Susan Millhauser's Sustainability Committee will be interesting.  Can a sustainability director be an asset to the city and add value greater than each department can accomplish on its own?  This remains to be seen.  How much is accomplished by the Sustainability Director as opposed to the city's other employees, or do they opt out of their responsibilities for finding savings now that there is someone else doing it?

For the complete story about the LED light program, click here.

All of Section A
Opinions regarding the Wizer Block development.  There are different points made in many of the letters and Citizen's Views - all important.  Let the DRC and the City Council know what you think and give facts as well as opinions.

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