Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Open your wallets and let your plants die

Yup.  You guessed it.  More trouble ahead for the LOTWP (Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership).   And trouble usually means one thing - $$$$$$$ - higher water rates.

Here's the deal - there was only ONE bid for the horizontal drilling under Oswego Lake at the
East end of the lake (see the map above).  Other drilling contractors experienced with this type of work are busy doing fracking and don't have the time or interest to take on a municipal job.  The sole bidder came in with a bid that was DOUBLE the estimated cost of $20 million bringing the total cost of the drilling to $40 million instead.  If water rates soar even more, how willing will Tigard be to purchase surplus water from Lake Oswego?  The sale of more water to Tigard was to offset rate increases for LO residents and businesses.

From the LOCAL website:
Did you know that the Lake Oswego/Tigard water project was originally estimated in 2006 to cost $135,000,000 and the City of Lake Oswego’s share was to be 43% or $58,000,000. 

That the current estimate is now $240,000,000 to $249,000,000 and that the City of Lake Oswego’s share could be as high as $117,300,000.     Read more...

The only other option it to trench the water pipe around the lake.  This is a 4' diameter pipe!  The trench will be about 8' across and about as deep, depending on slope and engineering things I know nothing about.  Presumably this trench would take a southerly route along South Shore Blvd. (or?) and the road would have to be repaved when the work was done.

This is new information, so don't expect any answers about what is going to happen next - just enjoy your water while it is only very expensive.  Take a look at your water/sewer/street maintenance bill to see how much is for water, and what part of that are fixed fees and how much is for water usage.

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