Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Commenting on Up Sucker Creek

I published my ground rules back in September, so it is likely many people have never seen them. It's a good time for a review.  I have left the comment section open to encourage debate and sharing of information.  That is the way I'd like to leave it, so here are the original ground rules with new stuff in blue.

Please add a screen name.  You do not need to use your real name, but please be consistent about using the same name with all your posts.  
If you have been using Anon. and want to switch to a screen name like MickeyTheRat, then keep that name and be consistent so people can follow your comments.  Screen names are preferred and are a lot more fun than having everyone be "Anonymous!"   

Rules on comments are to use common sense.  If you don't know what that is, you might find your comments deleted.  I could give you a list of rules, but thinking adults shouldn't need them.  

I guess I have to state some specifics after all.  (Sigh.)  I don't allow personal attacks, name-calling, innuendo, rumors, etc..  This blog is for debate, sharing information or asking issue-related questions.  Think first - 

  • Can I back up my statement with facts?  
  • Is the name of the person important to my position (sometimes the answer will be yes) and is it related to the issue at hand?
  • Do I in good conscience know something but need confirmation?  Then ask the readers for help confirming your information.  
  • Can I just pose a question?  Yes!  No one knows everything and if one person doesn't know something, guaranteed there are others that need answers too.  No question too dumb - it's complicated stuff!

One last thing - I like hearing what others have to offer on a subject.  I already know what I think, so if you have something to add to the discussion, please do so.

If you are making a statement, make sure it is factual and that you can back it up.
Well reasoned opinions are welcome too.
If you have ideas or information to pass on, please email me at:


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