Thursday, October 17, 2013

Wizer Block Back on the Block

The Lake Oswego Review has printed a story in today's paper about the Wizer Block development controversy and announced that the Evergreen Neighborhood Association is hosting another neighborhood meeting on WednesdayOctober 23, at 6:30 at Our Lady of the Lake School.  Like the last meeting, the public is invited to attend, but unlike the last meeting, only Evergreen Neighborhood residents will be allowed to speak for the first part of the meeting.  Developer, Patrick Kessi, and others will be at the meeting.

The LOReview also talks about the opposition to the development and the group, Save Our Village, that formed to fight the development's size and bulk as incompatible with the Evergreen neighborhood.  "The result is a new organization called Save Our Village, which is dedicated to putting the brakes on a project that could build 228 new apartments and retail space on the site of the old Wizer’s market. They charge that the development would drastically change the character of downtown Lake Oswego and that key aspects of the plan exceed city limits."   If people are interested in our cause, we encourage them to go to send an email to,” Grigg said. “This is an ever-expanding project.”

For information about the City's redevelopment involvement with the block, see the City webpage under LORA, and/or click here to see the W&K Development presentation to the City Council.

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