Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Remembering Edgar Kline

My latest favorite plant - the hardy cyclamen - can be seen all over Lake Oswego, probably due to the work of Edgar Kline.  Kline had a native plant nursery on Bryant Road where the Black Forest subdivision now stands.  It was wonderful to walk or drive by the property when the flowers were in bloom, and it was sad to see that part of Lake Oswego's history disappear when the land was sold.  I sometimes wonder if the current homeowners have volunteer native plants from Kline's nursery popping up, or how the soil is for growing bushes, flowers or vegetables.

If you drive or walk by the Blue Heron lake easement on South Shore Rd. at Canal Circle, take a look at the field of cyclamen in full bloom.  If you have trilliums, lili's or cyclamen in your yard, perhaps they came from Edgar Kline's native plant nursery on Bryant Rd.

Photos below courtesy of the Lake Oswego Library.  Edgar Kline, 1965, with trilliums (top) and lilies (bottom).

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