Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Picture They Didn't Want You To See!

Below is the front and back of the flyer put out by the "Save Our Village" group that is fighting to stop or reduce the development proposed for the Wizer Block at 1st and A Ave.

On the second page, there is a small, albeit a bit fuzzy rendition, of the development from a bird's eye view.  It was displayed at a LORA meeting on August 27, but hasn't been see since.  THIS IS THE PICTURE THEY DON'T WANT YOU TO SEE!  Why?  Perhaps it shows the complex in an unflattering light that shows the actual height and mass of the complex.  You decide - is it a beauty, or a beast?

Disclosure:  I am not opposed to growth in Lake Oswego.  However, new development should fit in with the buildings already here.  I am not a fan of the city's artificial "Oswego Style" that has determined a limited European Village design code for in the East End Town Center.  The same is true for the Lake Grove Town Center design overlay.  I prefer a limited, slow growth and low growth approach, and one that is funded entirely by the developer without public funds.

Having said that, I support Save Our Village efforts and encourage people of similar minds to read the flyer and get involved.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS IS IT!  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

1 comment:

  1. While I applaud you presenting the view of the building, the balance of this flyer is filled with misinformation. For example, "greatly increased traffic on State St...." The traffic studies do NOT show "greatly" increased traffic on State, it is a small percentage increase. Another "200 plus dogs". There is no evidence to support this. A much more likely number would be 20. Most people in apartments have cats as pets, not dogs.
    Let's be critical but tell the truth, not spread false information.
