Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Heart of Lake Oswego

There is an effort afoot to stop or modify Evergreen LLC and W&K Development's plans for a 5-story, 228-unit apartment building at 1st and "A" Ave. where the Wizer Building now stands.  A local citizen, Barry Dennis, has created a series of 3 videos capturing citizens' views on the proposed development.  The videos are fun to watch - the scenes are like a postcard of what Lake Oswego is today.

I applaud the time and effort as well as the professionalism that went into Barry's work.  To see the videos yourself (there are 3, but start with the 1st one), see:  Save Our Village.


  1. If Barry likes Lake Oswego so much, why does his website, say he's in Portland?

    P.S. I find it interesting that one can comment via AIM or Livejournal but not facebook.

  2. I can't speak for Barry, but do you think it could be that he hasn't updated his website since his recent move to LO? I don't know a lot about Facebook, but if I had a business, I would want the site to be controlled by me so negative and rude comments would not appear. This just makes sense. I honor his and everyone's choices about how to be contacted. I remember when the home telephone was still a luxury, and to have a private phone rather than a party line meant you had arrived. Party line webpages can be damaging in the wrong hands, so private lines are a treat as well as a necessity.
