Up Sucker Creek

Up Sucker Creek
Photo Courtesy of the Lake Oswego Library

Sunday, February 22, 2015

LUBA appeal on Wizer project

The Land Use Board of Appeals has scheduled a date to hear Lake Oswego parties' appeal of the City Council's approval of the Wizer project building permit.  The hearing will be in Eugene on March 18.  I assume there will be plenty of people from Lake Oswego there to hear the arguments.  This will most likely be the final decision on the subject of whether or not the development proposal meets Lake Oswego's definition of "village character."  It is not a slam dunk for either side.  

LUBA Schedule

Case Number:  2014-092

LO 138, LLC, et al v. City of Lake Oswego

University of Oregon - Knight Law Center, Room 110, 1515 Agate St., Eugene, OR

Wednesday, March 18, 2015 - 11:00 AM


  1. Is perhaps the hearing instead in Salem?
    Such would be more typical for a LUBA appeal.

  2. Very interesting and untypical Eugene as the hearing location.

    Does indeed make attendance by interested parties a bit more challenging.

    One wonders why "the change of venue"?

    1. Rumor only, but I heard that LUBA will occasionally hold hearings at the law school when there is an interesting or precedent-setting case.

      Carpools would be the easiest way to get to Eugene and back. Thank goodness the hearing is not very early in the morning!
