File this under "right tree, right place." These are some pretty nasty trees. Anything more that I'd have to clean up after is unwelcome in my yard!
11 Trees You Should Never Plant in Your Yard

Some trees are more trouble than they're worth. Before you head to a nursery, see our slideshow. Then, see even more trees readers love to hate!
Note: Only the female ginkgo trees are troublesome and bear fruit; male trees are fine.
There are thornless varieties of honey locust available.

Below are comments from the Portland Tribune article, "Has city gone too far out on a limb?" about Portland's new tree code.
The comments are notable because they are predictable. In light of Portland's ridiculusly intrusive new tree regulations, people are rebelling. People lose their respect for government when laws are disrespectful of people's rights and sense of fair play.
In cases where landowners know their trees will soon be regulated, you will see a rush to cut trees down, even where the owner has lived with the trees for decades and likes their trees. When you tell someone that the government will control their property, they tend to do things that keep the government off their property and out of their lives.
This is what happens when government bureaucrats and elites believe they khow best how to manage the masses. It doesn't work, unless we are living with in tyrannical state, because the only power the government has to enforce its laws is the power of police force.
This is ridiculous. I'm glad I cut down two of my old and dying tree.
And I'm even more convinced that the Mayor and City Council are determined to make all the middle income residents move out of Portland, leaving the rich, the poor, and especially the homeless (Hales wants to build them special tiny houses).
"Take the requirement that people must get a permit before pruning twigs on street trees in front of their house as small as one-quarter-inch diameter. That’s about the size of a pencil."
Ha ha. Good luck.
Sheer lunacy..Who is going to. Optics of a 2"diameter tree is
missing ,the "tree police " ?
Too bad there was not more involvement on the part of those affected before this ludicrous item was put into place. Makes me glad I moved form the city of greed years ago.
Gollehon Family
Reading the artical is just yet another conformation that even the people that are in charge of inforcing the new code, don't know what they are talking about." The new street tree pruning code makes it easier". This is not true, the old method was applying online, you did not have to hire a certified arborist to fill out the applicstion & do the work. This is going to cost everyone involved more time, money, and the same people working under the radar will still be doing so
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