Friday, August 5, 2022

Land grab in New Zealand

 Can this happen here? 

It already is. Incremental, seemingly benign regulations restrict property ownership and personal rights every day, and it is getting worse.  Every rip of the fabric of the Constitution dulls the populace to accept the next level of abuse. 

Is the tree you planted in your yard 20 years ago really yours if you have to ask the government for permission to remove it?  

Is your residential lot yours if you are prevented from putting a swing set in the back yard because there is a grove of fir trees on it?  

Does your business belong to you if the government can limit how much money you can make?  

Who “owns” the children in public schools?  

Can the government force you to take medications you don’t want?  

The disease of envy has reached New Zealand and places that are coveted are being stolen by the government for communal use without compensation to the owners.  If you have what others want you are at risk of losing it to the mob.  Greed and envy, class hatred and entitlement are being stoked to advance the cause of Marxist thugs.  

I wonder when the masses will descend on estates in the Hamptons, Napa Valley or Hawaii to claim them in the name of the people.  The gates at the end of the drive won’t protect the owners against a bureaucracy that wants total control.  Who likes the Constitution now?  (Not the WEF) 

Climate Communists Accelerate New Zealand Land Theft

Capitalist Exploits's Photo
FRIDAY, AUG 05, 2022 - 8:00


PR: State takeover of private land accelerates

July 23, 2022

Jamie McFadden

Anyone that owns, leases, or manages property or land in New Zealand, both urban and rural, should be very concerned about the latest developments on the West Coast.

That is the message from Groundswell NZ, after over 1500 West Coast property owners received letters in the mail, out of the blue, stating that their properties had been zoned for takeover by state control and that restrictions would take immediate legal effect.

There was no consultation with affected property owners and no compensation for loss of use or drop in property value. Property owners have been left in a state of shock and angry at the lack of respect and fair process.

This takeover of private land came about after the four West Coast councils released a combined district plan last week, called Te Tai o Poutini. The zonings include sites of significance to Maori, historic areas, outstanding natural landscapes, and significant natural areas (SNAs). Both urban and rural residents are impacted.

In taking this draconian action, the councils have now turned anything that has cultural, historic, or natural value into a liability. Would you want any of these features on your property if it would make you vulnerable to losing the use of your land and the resulting drop in the value of your property?

This state takeover of private land is accelerating throughout New Zealand, as local councils are being forced by Government directive to enforce unworkable regulations. The raft of ill-conceived regulations coming out of Wellington is causing considerable stress and anxiety for the thousands of people caught up by the legislation. This is the main reason Groundswell NZ started campaigning.

What can I say?

New Zealand and Canada — the poster children for the Great Reset.

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