Friday, August 5, 2022

How do you protect little ones in Washington?

 Will the new Lake Oswego Swim Center and Recreation Center allow men in the Women’s locker rooms or rest rooms?  That is something I would protest!  I have a lot of cardboard, markers and time to protest Womens’ dignity, safety and pride, not to mention common sense.  If there has to be some in-between facilities so be it - biological girls and women should not have to suffer.  Everyone can win if one ideology isn’t valued over another.  

Do these, or any, young people deserve protection from strange adult males when they are undressing?  Of course!  (If you even had to think about it, no one should leave children in your care.)

The Western Journal 

Commentary (Excerpts)

  August 5, 2022

80-Year-Old Woman Banned from YMCA Pool Over What She Saw Man Doing in Women's Dressing Room

Radical progressives abhor Christianity. They abhor tradition. And they are attempting to subvert reality to topple the Western heritage.

Julie Jaman, an 80-year-old woman from Port Townsend, Washington, expressed her discomfort and fear when she encountered a male in the women’s shower area at the local YMCA.

The YMCA’s reaction? Jaman was permanently banned from the facility, according to the Port Townsend Free Press.

On July 26, Jaman found herself standing naked in the presence of a male in a woman’s bathing suit. She was disturbed — to put it mildly — that a man was standing before her watching little girls take off their swimsuits.

According to the Free Press, Jaman asked the man, a YMCA employee who goes by the name Clementine Adams, “Do you have a penis?”

“None of your business,” Adams responded.

“Get out of here right now,” Jaman ordered.

Sensing the girls were in danger, Jaman continued to demand that the man leave the area. Another YMCA employee then called the police on Jaman.

The YMCA’s aquatics manager, Rowen DeLuna, told Jaman that she had not “abided by our principles and values.”

The “principles and values” of the YMCA are the law of the land in Washington state: “All covered entities shall allow individuals the use of gender-segregated facilities, such as restrooms, locker rooms, dressing rooms, and homeless or emergency shelters, that are consistent with that individual’s gender expression or gender identity.”

Jaman told the Port Townsend City Council, “There is no signage informing women the shower room is now all-gender and what that means, nor have parents been informed of what they can expect with these new policies,” according to the Post Millennial.

Wendy Bart, CEO of the Olympic Peninsula YMCA, told Jaman the “pride” signs posted around the facility are adequate to let women know that men who identify as women will be using the women’s dressing room, the Free Press reported.

On one side we have the value system characterized by Julie Jaman. This is is the realist camp. Best articulated by St. Thomas Aquinas, this worldview is based on the observation of reality, logic and reason.

In the opposing camp, we have the system characterized by Clementine Adams, Rowen DeLuna and Wendy Bart. This system — apparently the absurd can be systematic — relies on the feelings of the confused.

The C in YMCA used to stand for Christian. What does it stand for now? Cultural Marxism is my bet.

Julie Jaman is elderly, but that doesn’t make her outdated, as the cultural Marxist camp would have our children believe. Her longevity carries with it the wisdom of the tradition that came before her. She was simply trying to protect young girls from what she instinctively sensed as danger.

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