Sunday, July 3, 2022

WHY do they do it?

 This photo and headline from today’s Wall,Street Journal brought to mind a question I continually ask myself and anyone else who thinks about the future of our world.  Why does Putin want to control a world that he has destroyed and must now live in?  

Russia Claims Control of Luhansk as Ukrainian Forces Retreat From Lysychansk

Why do some people actively work to destroy our culture. —  our government, our freedoms, our institutions, our laws, our infrastructure, our relationships with one another?

If these people achieve their goals, what kind of world would they find themselves living in, and why would they want their family, friends and loved ones to live there? 

Are our leaders so stupid? So naive? So power hungry and greedy to be blind to the consequences of the destructive nature of their lawless policies and inhumane, immoral cultural memes?  

The great thing about the Constitution of the United States is that it guarantees citizens certain freedoms granted by God - not by government - and restrains the power of government to interfere with our ability to live life as we see fit, as long as we do no harm to others.

This philosophy of personal liberty is contrary to government control over our lives.  Traditional American values are being challenged and are in danger of being wiped out - the  institutions of the traditional family structure and the authority of parents to control the lives of their children (see my previous post about the Success Sequence), churches and the ultimate authority of God, education that concentrates on academics and not political propaganda, the rule of law that treats lawbreakers the same with consequences for legal behavior, control over our own money and possessions (property), the ability of every citizen to defend themselves with firearms without government interference or intimidation.  

How does elimination of these values enrich or improve the lives of those who are working to destroy them?  What a terrible, tyrannical, lawless and Godless world this would be.  And yet, this is what the progressives, the Democratic Socialists (Marxists) and World Economic Forum is working to create through control of our money supply, social scores that determine how much freedom and money each of us will have access to, where we live and where we can go, access to medical care…  who will live and who will die. Just like China, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, and in some ways worse.  

This is the question I come back to time and time again.  Where will Joe, AOC, Hillary, Elizabeth, Soros, Zuckerbucks, Schwab, Trudeau and the rest of their ilk live when all their dreams come true?  Do they really think they can control their Antifa minions or predetermine how their plans will unforced?  Do they think they will come out on top (didn’t work during the French or Russian Revolutions)?  Poser dispersed among the people beats centralized control by an “elected” few or the administrative state. Read The Road to Serfdom by Frederic Hayek.  If you’ve already read it, read it again.  

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