Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Farmers unite against Climate Communists

 What is happening in Holland could easily happen here.  The Great Reset is working its way through countries and leaving a trail of scorched earth - nothing to eat, especially meat.  That’s the way Bill Gates like it.  

Watch these short videos of protests in Holland and read about what is going on.  The World Economic Forum and the United Nations are promoting this dangerous transition to #9-called climate-friendly food production that will kill millions of people before they are through.

The “Great Reset”- Climate Communism

At issue are the EU and WEF “Great Reset” policies which severely limit the nitrogen produced by farming between 30% and 70%.

The Dutch farmers began with tractors blocking traffic. Now firefighters, fishermen, as well as farmers from around the world are joining the protest. They have dumped heavy bales of hay (and set fire to some of them), cow excrement, piles of dirt on roadways around the Netherlands. Dutch Police have fired their weapons at the unarmed farmers. But the fact remains: no farmers, no food at a time when the world faces massive global food shortages. It’s all thanks to Agenda 2030- the “Great Reset” championed by globalists who have more money and power than the rest of the world.


You’ll never see this photo of Dutch farmers on your television. Klaus knows if images like this ever make it to the mainstream media, it will motivate and inspire the whole world, and the Globalists will be done. #DutchFarmersProtest

Though the Dutch farmers claim their protest will continue, the cost of driving diesel fueled tractors has climbed to ridiculous proportions all over the world. How long they will actually be able to sustain it is unknown. The government of The Netherlands knows that many of the farmers will go bankrupt from their nitrogen policies.

“The government does not offer any space to enter into a real conversation,” said the farming lobby group LTO. “Under these conditions, speaking with the mediator is pointless.”

The LTO, which represents about 30,000 farms — nearly a half of the Dutch total — described the nitrogen reduction target as “simply unfeasible.” Dutch farms produced exports worth 94.5 billion euros in 2019.

The group says the government is focused on reducing livestock and buying up farms and not paying enough attention to innovation and sustainable farming practices.


Farmers, truckers, are fighting the ever-increasing Climate Communists. What will you do when the Communists complete their evil agenda in the United States, taking away the food, destroying the farmers and their livestock?

Remember Lysenko!

And the Great Leap Forward famine.  

Bureaucrats who thought they knew how to farm better than the farmers killed millions. Maybe that’s the plan.  

Watch Fox News’ Tucker Carlson show from July 12, 2022 as he explains in chilling detail how far afield our leaders have gone.  We should not follow them willingly into this New World Hell.  

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