Tuesday, May 10, 2022

What is your social score?

 I haven’t checked mine yet but it’s on my to-do list for this week.  I don’t need a loan, but I am curious about what information has been gathered about me. Conservative- check.  Despises CRT - check.  Thinks people who voted for Kate Brown are senile - check.  Uses Roundup on my weeds - check.  Never had a Facebook account - check.  Incorrigible to be sure.  ;-)


What Is Your ESG Credit Score?

Major banks are rolling out a new platform and their lending practices will be driven by your ESG score. ESG stands for your Environmental, Social, and Governance. What, you ask, does that mean? What you buy and sell, what charities you support, and your environmental impact are being tracked and translated into a score. I don’t know who the scorekeepers are, but Glenn Beck’s guest had a friend who checked his Merrill Lynch account, and he was quickly educated.He had a low score of 4.7 and didn’t understand how they arrived at that number.

No, this isn’t China, this is now being implemented here in the US, and it will affect whether you qualify for a car loan, a home loan, a business loan, or if you are a good credit risk if you are applying for other things, like a job. Did you buy a gun for example, or give to a particular political party candidate, or do you purchase meat? What kind of car do you drive, and how often do you drive it? Not kidding – this will have an impact on your freedom in the new world that is unfolding.

Money lenders are grading you by this new system because they are now being graded by the new system. Every company will be graded on their hiring practices and how many minorities and even diverse genders are hired, what their social and environmental footprint is, and they must prove it, as their scorecard will impact their ability to do business in the new world system. Their ideology is also being incorporated into education. From the World Economic Forum’s “The Great Reset,” being implemented into every sector, corner, and cell of our lives, these are the new rules.

They are handing these new systems down to every government on earth. It sounds nuts because it is – the Green New Deal on steroids. No one elected these people or voted on these new systems that will have a direct impact on all of us, but it’s been in the pipeline for years, and we now have the systems in place to support it, like 5G, the social platforms and Big Tech.

What can we do to ensure our rights in a free society under these new rules (and there are more coming) and have you seen things change in your life? My car insurance company offered significant savings if I downloaded an app that would track my driving habits, not just my driving record, but when I drove at night or just during the day and at what hours), how far, how fast, how often I brake; it was very invasive. This is the definition of smart cars, smart cities – the wave of the future that sounds so utopian, modern, and convenient. This isn’t the stuff of science fiction or conspiracy talk. Go on the WEF site and read the circles within circles – between the lines. Every sector will transform the way we live and we are being conditioned to accept it willingly.

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