Saturday, April 23, 2022

Socialism takes..

 …Capitalism creates.

Here is a terrific website with videos of people who experienced socialism and warn what could, and is happening in America, plus articles explaining how capitalism and socialism differ.  Liberty is tied to free enterprise and private property - concepts that are being deified by today’s woke, progressive and twisted minority.  Seductive propaganda that glorifies socialism appears to be gaining traction with people who take for granted the benefits of our economic system and Constitutional freedoms.  

Capitalism Creates
website is a project of the Job Creators Network and Job Creators Network Foundation.  

The free-market system has been the biggest creator of wealth and prosperity the world has ever known—lifting billions of people out of poverty and far more superior than any government program ever could be.

But socialism is on the rise in America—notably growing in popularity among the younger generations. In fact, according to a recent Harris poll, half of American Millennials and those belonging to Generation Z say they would prefer to live in a socialist country. Even more concerning, the growing general support around the ideology is fueling concrete policy proposals—including Medicare for All and the Green New Deal.

That’s why the Job Creators Network, America’s leading small business advocacy organization, is launching a campaign to tell the truth about socialism. Too many people don’t understand that the American dream cannot exist in a socialist country. While some may say socialism is well intentioned, the fact is it robs people of their independence, their dignity and their finances. Socialism leads to government dependence, suppression of ideas, and lower standards of living for those under its thumb. Few Millennials and those who are younger understand what socialism really is, and why short-term gains like free education or free healthcare will lead to long-term consequences like loss of freedoms, and loss of opportunity.

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