Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Canada is very sick and America has the chills.

 No time to waste if our country is to survive.  I love Canada - did Canadians know they were voting for an authoritarian, World Economic Forum globalist when they elected Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister?  How much damage can he do during his term that can’t be undone?  What about Biden and the puppet masters who control him?  The thought that this could (or IS) happening here is chilling!  

Free Speech!  

Viva La Liberte! 

Rebel News is suing Justin Trudeau

Trudeau’s hand-picked censors declare that only 1% of what Rebel News publishes is news and won’t give us a government news licence — we are fighting back, but we need your help.

Use link above to view article and video.  

Justin Trudeau’s hand-picked government censorship panel has just declared that Rebel News journalists are not “qualified” to be news media. We just learned, that over the past year, Trudeau has spent countless tax dollars on a hand-picked team of government censors who were “studying” Rebel News in secret — they never reached out to us or spoke with us or interviewed us.

And that secretive government censorship panel went through 276 of our news stories. They took nearly a year to do it. Imagine government censors looking through 276 Rebel News stories — many of which criticized those same government censors.

Now, you can like Rebel News or not; that’s your choice. If you don’t like us, unlike the CBC, you don’t still have to pay for us. But Trudeau’s government censorship panel made a ruling about us.

They declared — get this — that, quote “less than 1% of the content meets the criteria for original news content.”

Huh? That’s almost all we do. We’re Rebel News, not Rebel Sports or Rebel Weather.

So Trudeau's government censorship panel says, because of that, we are not legally a, quote, “qualified Canadian journalism organization” — or QCJO as they call it. That’s a special legal term they’ve come up with. As the words plainly mean, it’s government journalism accreditation. It’s a government journalism licence.

So, not only does that mean we’re not allowed to attend government press conferences, it also punishes us under Income Tax Act.

So Rebel News is fighting back. Because if we don’t fight back now they’re going to destroy us — like Trudeau is doing more and more to his peaceful political opponents. He wants to try to do to us what he did to the truckers — if he had his way he’d put us in jail and seize our bank accounts. This is a step in that direction — having a government panel declare, legally, that our journalists are not actually journalists.

Because if they can do this to us, their largest independent critic left, they’ll do this to anyone. They’ll censor you. Which is why we have to fight back now — not later, right now. There might not even be a later.

So we’re suing Trudeau. We filed the lawsuit today in the Federal Court of Canada. 

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