Friday, March 25, 2022

Soft racism in California

Every time a college or school system eliminates testing as a form of discrimination against minority racial groups, they announce their belief that minority students are not capable.  The practice of dumbing down entrance requirements to schools or certain careers is racist.  Even after a comprehensive study revealed that using SAT scores for admission to California State University schools increased minority enrollment, the CSU Board of Trustees clung to their predetermined beliefs and banned the tests.  

How far have we fallen when beliefs triumph over facts at the university level?  No wonder irrational wokeism dominates academia.  The system is rotten at its core.  When will minorities figure out that they are being denied access to colleges by the same people who say they want to help them?  

Unfortunately, the SAT tests are constantly being changed - dumbed down - to appease the woke and stay relevant in a world where merit is vilified.  Folks, we are doomed.  

Click HERE to read full article. 

California State University Drops SATs, ACTs From Admissions Requirements

California State University (CSU) will no longer require students to submit SAT or ACT scores for college admissions, making it the largest four-year college system in the country to drop the requirement.

CBS News reported that CSU’s Board of Trustees voted unanimously on Wednesday to make the change, and that the move follows the University of California’s decision to do the same in 2020. CSU had already suspended the use of test scores during the 2021-22 and 2022-23 academic years due to the coronavirus pandemic, but this week made the move permanent.

“This decision aligns with the California State University’s continued efforts to level the playing field and provide greater access to a high-quality college degree for students from all backgrounds,” CSU acting Chancellor Steve Relyea said in a statement, according to CBS. “In essence, we are eliminating our reliance on the high-stress, high-stakes test that has shown negligible benefit and providing our applicants with greater opportunities to demonstrate their drive, talents and potential for college success.”

The Daily Wire previously reported in June 2020 that the UC system voted to stop requiring SAT and ACT scores because, as some members claimed, the test was harmful to minorities. The Daily Wire reported:

Yet only a few weeks earlier, the entire faculty senate voted to retain the SAT as a result of a study commissioned by UC system president Janet Napolitano that found that the SAT and the ACT increased minority enrollment across the UC system.

The 228-page report, loaded with hundreds of displays of data from the UC’s various admissions departments, found that the SAT and a commonly used alternative test, ACT —  also eliminated – actually helped increase black, Hispanic, and Native American enrollment at the system’s 10 campuses. The report recommended that their use be continued,” Richard Bernstein of RealClearInvestigations reported.

Yet the testing requirement was still removed.

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