Saturday, February 19, 2022

Woke Capitalism


What is “woke” capitalism “?  Listen to this terrific podcast from Influence Watch for an explanation and learn the implications of this vial practice on the preservation of individual liberty.   


#187: The Business of Woke

“Woke capital”—social liberalism, especially focused on critical race theory and its intellectual children “antiracism” and “equity” carried out by businessmen rather than politicians or traditional nonprofit activists. Much has been written about it, but what does “woke capital” look like from the inside? That’s the subject of Woke Inc.: Inside Corporate America’s Social Justice Scam, a new book written by biotechnology entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who has seen the growth of woke capital from inside his own corporate boardrooms. Mr. Ramaswamy joins Mike Watson to discuss his book.

Click on the link above to find the podcast website.  

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