Monday, February 7, 2022

No victims here

Founded by Rob Smith, The Douglass Society is a new place for African Americans - and all Americans - to learn about the multitude of impressive and inspiring Black thinkers of our time.  The content of the Douglass Society website should be introduced into every school to replace the terribly destructive and racist CRT ideology that is dominating public education today.  

The lesson here is that we can’t wait for the government to improve our lives - we all need to do the work ourselves.  This is the way things have always been.  It’s time we trusted ourselves more and find a positive, hopeful path forward. .  

A New Generation of African American Patriots

The Douglass Society is a new hub for black conservative content online, an educational resource to teach young African-Americans things that they will NEVER learn in the liberal dominated public school system, and a way to grow the pipeline of conservative African-Americans into more prominent roles in politics and media.

Support the Douglass society

The government CAN’T save Black America. The only thing that can save Black America is ourselves. It’s time to REVOLT against the media narrative of Blacks as perpetual victims. The revolution starts now.

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