Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Just say “No” to Vax passports!

 Is this the next shoe to drop on us?  I’m not going to participate in this mind control game.  Perhaps I’ll have to speed up my plan to escape from Oregon.  I will not patronize any business that requires a vaccine passport or travel to places where they are used.  What about my HIPPA rights?

Does anyone trust government that digital Vax cards will be voluntary for very long? It’s just too tempting for the control freaks to leave alone, otherwise they wouldn’t be dabbling in this stuff at all.  Even though Covid vaccinations don’t protect anyone from getting or transmitting the disease anyway.  You know it’s not about health outcomes anymore  - it’s about individual freedom vs state control.  

Oregon Is Getting Ready to Debut a Digital Vaccine Card

Use of the proof-of-vaccination card will be strictly voluntary and optional, and there are no plans for a statewide vaccine passport requirement, officials say.

Portland Monthly. By Julia Silverman December 2, 2021 

In early March of 2022, two years into the worldwide pandemic, the state of Oregon plans to roll out its first stab at a digital vaccine card. 

The $2.25 million effort flew largely under the radar until state Public Health Director Rachael Banks testified briefly about it in mid November in front of the members of the Oregon House Interim Special Committee on COVID-19 Response

The Oregon Health Authority’s plans call for a QR (or quick-response) code on your phone, that would link back to COVID vaccination records, allowing businesses to digitally verify your vaccination status with one quick scan, instead of peering at dog-eared vaccine cards and matching them with your driver’s license, the current mode often employed by the ever-growing list of restaurants and bars in Portland that are requiring proof of vaccination for entry. 

Use of the digital vaccine record will be strictly voluntary and optional, developers at the Oregon Health Authority have stressed repeatedly.  

In other words: a statewide mandate that Oregonians would need to show digital proof of vaccination in order to enter certain businesses, a system in place in Israel, France, Scotland, Italy, and elsewhere, is not under discussion. 

But as the pandemic eventually transitions to endemicity—the same way we live with the risk of contracting the flu each year, for example—policy makers in individual counties could decide to impose proof-of-vaccination requirements for entry into certain businesses, which is already underway in King County in Washington and Los Angeles County in California 

Multnomah County’s leaders are “assessing what kind of impact a vaccine verification system and policy would have on overall community health, as well as considering the logistical challenges, cost, and timeline of implementing such a system,” Kate Yeiser, a county spokesperson, wrote in an email. “Any mandate would be a policy decision for our Board, and those conversations are ongoing.” 


COVID vaccine passports threaten fundamental rights of citizens who opt-out

Digital inclusion invites physical exclusion: Op-ed

The Sociable, March 11, 2021. By Tim Hinchliffe

With COVID vaccine passports being touted by governments, major airlines, and globalist think tanks as the best way to re-open travel and economic activities, these digital tools threaten the fundamental rights of citizens who opt-out.

Many will argue that COVID vaccine passports are absolutely necessary to ensure safe travel and economic activities, and that if everybody would just agree to take the experimental jab and sign up for the app, life would be a lot easier for everybody.

However, COVID vaccine passport advocates ubiquitously disregard the right of the individual to choose what they put in their body, and believe that people who refuse to participate should be denied certain liberties because that is what society expects.

“The principle of bodily integrity sums up the right of each human being, including children, to autonomy and self-determination over their own body. It considers an unconsented physical intrusion as a human rights violation” — Child Rights International Network

But whereas many tradeoffs [with traditional passports] are financial in nature, the tradeoffs for COVID vaccine passports are a lot more personal, and forcing an experimental vaccine upon someone who doesn’t want it flies in the face of their right to bodily autonomy and integrity.

“Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits” — UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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