Wednesday, February 23, 2022

URGENT! Joe Rogen interview on The Great Reset

This is a 3-hour interview. The whole thing is worthwhile, but the last hour deals with The Great Reset in such detail that it will leave you breathless.  Pass this on to people who need to see it - that is everyone you care about, people in power who don’t know what they are part of, and everyone in general.  The more people who know about what is happening before our eyes and what the end game is, the more people we can rally to the fight for liberty!  

For Oregonians, contact your state legislators NOW and demand that the plan for Covid passports be nixed permanently!  

If you aren’t up for the full 3 hours, begin watching at 2:02:00.  

Joe Rogan (JRE-1780) - Maajid Nawaz - Full Interview

Published  February 20, 2022 

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