Friday, January 21, 2022

Want to play “Privilege Bingo”?

 Neither do I.  I was introduced to this kind of exercise a couple of years ago ar a Master Gardeners training session.  Unlike past years, the day was not spent on horticulture topics, but a half day was devoted to a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion indoctrination.  We (a group of about 300 primarily white, older, college-educates females) were asked to identify 1. Ways we were privileged, and 2. Ways we were discriminated against.  Being white, older and educated dumped us all into the privileged category no matter what our personal histories were, or that Oregon is predominately white.  Objecting made no difference.  You either had earned or unearned privilege, and being white was the main indicator of your privileged status.  Angry doesn’t begin to describe my reaction to being subjected to this racist exercise.  

I can’t imagine my children being in a school that dumped this kind of polluted, manipulative propaganda on them.  If this rubbish had been going on in the 90s I would have taken them out of their school.  Many parents today are doing just that.  I wonder how long private schools and home schooling will be legal?  

On the Bingo chart below, how do you rate?  How does that make you feel?  

How do you think school-age children would feel?  

Why isn’t this child abuse?  

In Defiance Of Youngkin, Fairfax Public School Demands High Schoolers Participate In ‘Privilege Bingo’

In the school district’s latest move defying Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s executive orders banning “inherently divisive concepts” from public education curriculum, Oakton High School, which is part of Fairfax County Public Schools, asked students to participate in a “privilege bingo.”

The exercise titled “identifying your privilege” is littered with bingo spaces accusing students who are a “military kid,” “white,” “male,” “cisgender,” “Christian,” and more of being privileged.

According to a report in The Daily Wire, Assistant Superintendent Douglas A. Tyson told concerned parents that the screenshot in question originated from “an approved FCPS English Curriculum lesson that is centered around students selecting a ‘choice’ test and examining in detail the author’s perspective on a wide-range [sic] of issues.”

The exercise, Tyson continued, was designed for students to determine whether authors have “privilege that may or may not be present in the work” and then reflect on their own biases based on their race as well as economic and educational status. 

Parents and students in Virginia who have fought critical race theory and other radical ideologies in their schools over the last two years, however, aren’t so pleased. 

“It’s particularly sad and poignant that this came out the week of MLK Day. I mean, this is yet another district in America that is teaching children to identify themselves and treat others by characteristics that, in this case for the military thing, is absolutely meaningless,” Nicole Neily, President of Parents Defending Education, told The Federalist.

 “These are students who, at the end of the day, want to get a good grade, are picking up on these cues from their teachers, right? And so they regurgitate these talking points and things like this. And I think it’s very difficult for students to say what they need to say to get a good grade while maintaining kind of their own perspective on issues. This feels very coercive, quite honestly,” Neily said. “…Fairfax parents, obviously, have been extremely outspoken about their unhappiness with a number of elements of the school system.”

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