Monday, January 10, 2022

Erasing you as a person, turning you into a group

 Individual rights?  They are disappearing.  Anything to do with the concept of the individual is becoming politically obsolete. The only personal thing left is one’s “personal truth” or “lived experience “ which allows one to discount facts as they please - as long as the “truth” aligns with socialist groupthink.  YOU are erased.  

Whoever you are, you exist only as part of whatever group government assigns you.  Your intellect, talent, values and intrinsic worth are not important.  You exist to serve government, not the other way around.  If you believe government employees were public “servants”, wake up and look around you.  You are living in the past, before teachers’ unions, public administrators, city managers, planning departments, academia, propagandists, big tech and social justice and equity movements took over the job of telling us what to think and what we could say.  

Don’t feel safe just because Oregon has not fallen down this particular rathole  - yet - it has succumbed to racism in other areas (education) that will yield serious consequences later.  

Do you feel sick?  

Check your skin color to see if you deserve to be treated.  

New York’s Race-Based Preferential Covid Treatments

New guidelines say whites may not be eligible for antibodies and antivirals, while nonwhites are.

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