Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Kate & Kamala: A Sad Sisterhood

Two of the least-liked politicians agree —. that what their constituents think about their job performance has no bearing on how they should govern.  Most employees who get a bad job review have to change their behavior to please their boss if they want to stay employed.  Politicians just blame someone else and stay in their partisan bubble, hoping the next recall effort doesn’t hit them in the fanny before they are ready to leave office.  

I wonder what the polls will be if Kate goes through with her threat to make a state-wide mask mandate permanent.  Will mass mask disobedience to her draconian policies wake her up or just make her dig into her control and command bunker even deeper?  Someone this out of touch is most likely incapable of retreat. One can almost feel sorry for a person as clueless as Kate, but then it would be easier to conjure up pity if the subjects of her dreadful policies (like me) lived in another state.  Where do Oregonians go for representation, fidelity and care with a politician like Kate at the helm?  

Polling Shows Kate Brown Is Least Popular Governor in America

Brown’s approval rating is at 43%; Vermont Gov. PhilScott, a Republican, is at 79%.

Willamette Week, by Nigel Jaquiss  November 18, 2021

There was a time when a governor’s popularity correlated closely to the economy. For Gov. Kate Brown, those two measurements have completely diverged.

On Nov. 17, state officials announced in the quarterly revenue forecast that Oregon’s economy continued to boom.

On Nov. 18, the Morning Consult published a story collecting governors’ approval ratings for all 50 states. The ranking showed that Brown’s approval rating from Oregonians is just 43%—the lowest of any governor in the nation.

Portland pollster John Horvick of DHM Research, who tweeted about the Morning Consult story, says recent polling by his firm found similar levels of dissatisfaction with Brown.

“Voters are mad about homelessness and really upset about crime,” Horvick says. “There is disorder and decay out there, and I think voters are feeling somebody should be held accountable.”

Brown’s spokesman, Charles Boyle, says the governor is focused on serving her constituents rather than worrying about polls.


No other state has a majority of its territory clambering to secede - witness the Greater Idaho movement that now includes a majority of Oregon territory plus counties in Northern California.  Kate’s response to her poor ratings?  She will continue with her efforts to satisfy her constituents.  Who are the constituents of  a governor if not ALL the citizens of the state?  Obviously Kate thinks Oregonians not on board with her delusional, Marxist style of governing are inconsequential and their opinions don’t count.  

Earth to Kate: 

Oregon isn’t a solid Blue state. 

Though Oregon is the 9th largest state in America, you were elected by just 4 counties (Multnomah, Washington, Lane and Benton) - a combined area that would rank as the 4th smallest behind Rhode Island, Delaware and Connecticut.  

You garnered just 50.05% of the votes for Governor in 2018 - hardly a mandate to crush half of the state while catering to your limited constituency. Given your poor ratings, it appears that even that slim electoral majority is shrinking.  

Can you hear us now?  Nope. Guess not.  Hopefully your dumb idea to permanently control us will be deemed unconstitutional.  Mask mandates are a response to an emergency.  BTW, where is your mask? I think I hear your polls tanking some more.  


Oregon governor caught partying without mask as state pushes permanent mask mandate

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown was photographed a at a Washington, D.C., gala on Saturday while not wearing a mask amid her state's effort to usher in a permanent indoor mask mandate.

The photo was posted Sunday on social media and showed Brown posing for the shot with two other men, one who was the deputy director of operations for Vice President Kamala Harris. All three are not wearing masks in the photo. 


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