Monday, November 1, 2021

How to be smarter than the average politician

 ..and the portion of the public who have allowed themselves to be brainwashed.

The best resource on the impacts of rent control is the book, now out of print, “Rent Control: Myths and Realities.”  

The paperback can still be purchased online for about $30.  The price has doubled and quadrupled since I purchased a couple of the books, but the entire book is available for free online as a pdf download.  This is a wonderful selection of writings from prominent economists about various aspects of rent control based on research that has only been verified by more recent research on the subject.  Contributors to the book are Milton Freeman and Frederick Hayek. 

Be smart.  Know when you are being told a warm, fuzzy lie.  Then be ready to educate others about the realities of how the world and human nature really works.  


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