Sunday, October 10, 2021

Primary indoctrination

 Candace Owens’ blog opens with this slogan: 

If there is one message I want to communicate, it’s simply - Be Free.

Believe it.  Feel it!  Live it!  

Use the link below to The Daily Caller to view the video of the interview with Candace Owens.  

From Sunday Morning Futures 10/10/21 via The Daily Caller:

‘Pull Your Children Out’: Candace Owens Says Public Schools Are Brainwashing Children To Embrace ‘Marxist Principles’

The time is now, remove your children from these indoctrination camps, they’re not learning to be smart,  they’re not focused on hard academics, they are being brainwashed and and systematically controlled and what they want to produce, by the way, are failures,” Owens continued. 

“Because it guarantees that they’ll have children that will grow up to be adults that are dependent on the government — and a totalitarian government that’s focused on Marxist principles and needs the people who are dependent on them.”

The conservative author claimed that because “children are the future,” governments want to control what those children are taught and what they believe.

“You deny them access to your children and they can’t guarantee that they’re going to be able to exist and sustain itself,” she said.

Owens urged parents to “pay attention” to world events and noted how France has just banned homeschooling in September — although the policy may not be as draconian as first envisioned.

Owens said France “did it under the guise of ‘well, at home there’s radical threats, there’s homegrown terrorism, we’re dealing with all this Islamic terrorism, one way we can prevent this is that we can guarantee that nobody’s allowed to homeschool.'”

The conservative activist suggested the same policy is coming to America.

“So let me tell you, if that’s them catching a sneeze, America’s about to catch a cold; if France caught a sneeze, we’re going to catch a cold,” she said, claiming that banning homeschooling in the United States would be one way to “go against these Trump supporters, these conservatives.”

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