Tuesday, October 26, 2021

ESG: Another elitist guilt trap

 If feeling guilty about being prosperous makes you feel good - if you are a corrupt billionaire seeking redemption - or if you are just an ordinary masochistic, then you will love ESG - the latest thing to take the sting out of traditional American capitalism.  The Leftist Marxists have been trying for eons to persuade us that capitalism is all about greed and exploitation of the working class.  The failure of our educational system to adequately teach the benefits of the free market is a tragedy that allows things like ESG to flourish with little pushback.  Don’t be lured into playing this creepy mind game.  Educate yourself and others around you about why this new-fangled term for old-fashioned wealth redistribution will leave everyone (except the elites who push the concept) worse off.  

What is ESG?  ENVIRONMENTAL SOCIAL & GOVERNANCE for investments.  To learn more, listen to this 5-min. discussion of  ESG on this Prager U podcast:  

                          ESG: Woke To Broke

Better yet, watch Andy Puzder give his short talk on a video on the Prager U website:

ESG: Woke to Broke

5-Minute Videos  ⋅  Andy Puzder  ⋅    

What’s more important for a company: to make a profit, or to do “social good?” More and more companies seem to be focusing on the latter. But is that a good business strategy? And, what does that mean for the economy, for you… and your bank account?

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