Thursday, September 23, 2021

I'm from the government and I'm here to help.

 Famous words from Ronald Reagan.  "Help" from the government can, and often is, destructive.  Government entitlements create perverse incentives that change human behavior to the detriment of individuals, families and society.  All the while, those who invented the war on inequality, poverty, whatever, feel righteous and pure, rarely understanding their involvement in the expansion of the problems they sought to solve.  Willful blindness keeps the ideologies from ever admitting their culpability in the destruction of the lives of others.  

The trouble is that the connection between government aid and antisocial behavior, failed families and poverty are not well understood or talked about or taught to the next generation of policy-makers.  Nothing will change until the public understands how human nature is being manipulated and lives ruined - with both good and bad intentions.  If it is your life going down the toilet, it doesn't matter if the one helping you meant you no harm.  

We're From the Government .............

Wall Street Journal, Opinion

The Destructive Legacy of the Great Society

Government subsidies for antisocial behavior stalled decades worth of black progress.

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