Thursday, August 10, 2017

Have a star party this weekend!

Check out this site for stargazing apps, tips on how to take photos of the meteor showers and the night sky, locations and times for OMSI viewing parties, and more.

Oregonlive, August 9, 2017

Don't forget about the Perseid meteor shower 2017 (photos, video)

According to, peak viewing occurs this year during the predawn hours of Aug. 12 and 13. Of all the meteor showers, the Perseid is the most well-known, and can produce roughly 80 meteors an hour in normal years. This year, however, the moon may limit visibility to 40 to 50 meteors per hour. The meteor shower technically runs from July 14 to Aug. 24. 

If you're up for giving it a try, all you need is a spot that offers a wide view of the sky with as little artificial light as possible and the ability to stay up late.

Meteor showers are caused when Earth passes through trails of debris left behind by comets — the Perseid shower is caused by Comet Swift-Tuttle. As the tiny bits of debris burn up in our atmosphere, some 30 to 80 miles up, they create brilliant streaks of light across the night sky.

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