Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Liberal dystopia

With so many California immigrants residing in Oregon, I can only hope that they have left their progressive silliness in our neighbor state to the south along with their propensity to make choices for everyone else via government edict.  Oregon has always been the home of independent and free men and women who respected the rights of others to have different beliefs and opinions as long as they were left alone to make thei own choices about how to live.  That open spirit is what attracted so many people to our soggy state.

Living in California sounds like being tied up in a progressive, artificially moral straight jacket.  No matter how beautiful the landscape, or how wonderful the climate, it is not worth giving up my freedoms to live in such an iliberal state.  People have died for Americans to live free, and Californians are throwing all of that away.  Intolerance begets tyranny.

How do you use and r-use your plastic bags?  I line my wast baskets with them and use them for trash in my car.  What I don't use I recycle at the grocery store.

There’s no such thing as a free bag—at least not anymore in California. Voters in November approved, 53% to 47%, a law outright banning single-use, carry-out plastic bags. Grocery and convenience stores can offer paper or reusable bags, but the law requires them to charge at least 10 cents a pop. While pot is now legal in the Golden State, plastic bags are contraband. Welcome to the liberal dystopia.

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