Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Tit for tat

Tut, tut, tut.

Can't we all play nice together?  
While the rest of the kids study, the three at the back of the class keep fighting!  
None of them can claim to be for civility in Lake Oswego politics. 

Jon Gustafson and Theresa Kohlhoff's advertising is always about party politics - social issues that don't apply to municipal government.  It seems they only see the world in RED and BLUE and blue is better.  It's funny then that their page is trimmed with purple.  Just like National politics, this ad is full of hyperbole, innuendo, lies and half-truths. Where does one begin.  

I apologize for the fuzziness of the text - I think it is readable though.

For a NONPARTISAN campaign, the only people who stand out as exclusively partisan are Jon and Theresa who identify themselves as Democrats who stand with Hillary.  They made a mistake - the photos of Studebaker and Collins make the two look nice!  

I don't know why Charles Collins is suddenly brought into the fight between Gustafson and Studabaker other than they needed one candidate for council to make the columns even, and they see him as a threat.  (An enemy of your enemy is my friend.)  

I hate partisan politicking in Lake Oswego.  Haven't we had enough division to last forever!

Cronyism:  The City Council (not just the mayor) voted to hire someone as temporary city manager who had experience with our city government was no involved with the previous administration.  Tom Coffee had that experience and fit the bill.  His position was temporary 
until the entire council chose a new Manager.  

"Enxtreme conservative" is used as an incendiary phrase - red meat - to get Democrats and progressives riled up and think of these candidates as "others."  Just what we don't need - more [party] division!  

On Climate Change: What was the final vote Jon?  Many people don't think CC belongs in 
city politics. This shows how intolerant Jon and Theresa are - they can't abide people with opinions other than their own. Especially if decisions don't go their way.  Didn't the city wind up buying alternative power at a higher cost - just as you wanted?  What's the beef?

Sustainability Coordinator:  When the budget is tight, EVERY position should be evaluated for cuts.  Lowering our carbon footprint and saving money is good, but department managers should be doing this already.  

Lake Oswego Youth Advisory Council:  Let's look at it in a year and see what they have done that is useful.  The group that did a presentation made it seem like a club where they bought T-shirts and ate snacks.  It wasn't convincing enough to dedicate city money for the effort.  There are other civic-minded organizations out there that aren't attached to government - but that's what this is really about isn't it?  More government.  Kids are NOT lazy or stupid and if they want to volunteer, they can figure it out on their own.  

Sensitive Lands:  $80k in legal fees to defend citizens' property rights was the right thing to do.  I always think it hypocritical that the people who are for more environmental "protections" - prohibitions - regulations - don't have sensitive lands on their property.  And people who advocate for mass transit always seem to drive cars.  

Now the sun comes out and the birds start to sing - the progressives will take over and save the world from those awful "conservatives."   Sigh.  The most restrictive regulations are always done in the name of "helping us."  Progressives want to make their ideology mandatory and accelerate whatever change they want to see.  This takes a huge hit out of our Liberty and right to Chose how to live and how to spend our money (labor).

 Jon and Theresa don't say anything that any citizen wouldn't want for our city - parks, library, police, fire fighters... They make it sound like they are the only ones to have these ambitions.  

Progressives want to jump in and solve every social problem with the force of government and public money to do it.  Private organizations have been doing after-school care for decades.  The school district has programs.   Should the City take on one more program just to make Jon and Theresa feel good?  

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