Thursday, November 10, 2016

Post election financial update

Post-Election Financial Activity 
and Cost per Vote

Not allof the candidates' accounts are finalized, so the figures here are estimates only.  A few candidates' financials appear to be done, but it's not over until the deadline for posting is reached.

I am including In-Kind Contributions to the total for each candidate as a couple of them are extremely high and represent so much of their contribution total.  In the cases of Jon Gustafson and Theresa Kohlhoff, their campaigns benefited greatly from In-Kind contributions from the Friends of Lake Oswego to which they both contributed.

Note:  I am using only contributions rather than expenses since expenses are not known yet and do not include generous in-kind contributions which count heavily in how much was spent by each campaign.


Kent Studebaker
Contributions        45,229        
Votes                        8,545
Cost / Vote                             5.30

Jon Gustafson
In-Kind from Friends of Lake Oswego:  15,734
Contributions        48,840         
Votes                        6,846
Cost / Vote                             7.13

Dave Berg
Contributions          8,142          
Votes                        2,106
Cost / Vote                             3.87

Charles Collins
Contributions          9,825           
Votes                        8,476
Cost / Vote                             1.16

Theresa Kohlhoff
In-Kind from Friends of Lake Oswego:  18,594
Contributions         44,172 
Votes                         9,660
Cost / Vote                             4.57

John LaMotte
Contributions          14,297                        
Votes                        10,039
Cost / Vote                              1.42

Skip O'Neill
Contributions           4,625
Votes                         9,715
Cost / Vote                              0.48

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