Sunday, November 6, 2016

Evergreen fights back - again

Here are Comments from Evergreen 
Neighborhood Residents
regarding a proposed (appealed to the DRC) that is proposing 6 variances that would increase lot coverage and building dimensions and waive certain neighborhood codes.  The bitter betrayal of the planning department when they approvied the Wizer Development in opposition to a Neighborhood Plan is an open wound.  Should their entire neighborhood be up for grabs?

Issue: If RIDs and variances are so easily approved, it reduces our detailed, neighborhood-specific development codes to mere suggestions.  It also opens wide the opportunity for unevn application of code, a common complaint.  

Many believe the incentive for the planming staff to ignore codes established to protect neighborhood character is to boost property taxes by maximizing the size and value of new homes.  The city is facing hefty PERS cost increases and desperately needs an influx of money into the general fund.  New tax money is job protection.  Reducing setbacks and crowding big homes onto lots takes away from our relaxed, suburban and small town feel, and removes more and more big trees from neighborhoods.  Many feel we are losing our town.

Please do not approve this proposed development. What is the purpose of having a code if it can be so easily countermanded? In this case the requested exemptions are major ones, allowing structures out of proportion to the rest of the neighborhood and altering the character of the area.

I urge you to do what the DRC is mandated to do. Be our watchdog. Ensure that development is within the guidelines designed for our area. We moved here over ten years ago specifically because of this neighborhood. Please do not change its character and integrity.
 I am not against all proposed projects in or around the neighborhood, however I strongly believe they should follow att city codes and our neighborhood overlay.  If a land developer is allowed to significantly violate, or get a variance on codes involving setback, lot coverage and wall height and neighborhood overlay, then why are these rules in place at all?  
If it's the developer's job to ask for the moon, then it's our job to reign on the developer with applied designed standards that have been long established from countless volunteer hours spent over similar projects in this community.   

This is a gross example of rule bending.  Please allow no exceptions.
Many of us are concerned that the City is disregarding its own planning codes, codes designed to benefit all of us and not just developers, by allowing variances to the property at 360 Fifth St.  
During the recent past some of the LO planning decisions have been made other than complete an with the various codes and not reflective of our wishes.
Our neighborhood and Lake Oswego in general, r twin value because each home has character and is not part of a development project.  These regulations exist to preserve the character of the neighborhood and to prevent it from becoming a development project.
PLEASE Lake Oswego Planning Staff, DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN.  We already have much to contend with that is ruining our neighborhood character, the reason many of live here!

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