Saturday, October 29, 2016

Vote for excellence!

Lake Oswego deserves the best

Do not vote for Progressives!
Pertaining to the candidates who describe themselves as Progressives and want to establish a "Progressive Majority" on the City Council.  Gustafson and Kohlhoff and their 2 comrades that make up the majority should be passed over for any kind of government leadership position.  Their calling is more appropriate as outside activists for their causes.

In a letter to the editor in Thursday's Lake Oswego Review, one person says it in plain language:

 Oswego Review, October 27, 2016
Readers Letters (Excerpt)
"Enough with the political agendas and personal “visions” of what Lake  Oswego and we as citizens should be.  How about making our city a better and stronger community! Strong, structure, quality, solvent and efficient are words that come to mind.  Not a councilor’s vision of who and what we should be." 
-- Kristi Harnish

Note: Harnish's quote is from a letter endorsing Chatles Collins for City Council.  Please read the entire Learn more about Charles Collins.
Excellence for Mayor

Vote for Dave Berg for Mayor!
In a heated campaign, someone who is fighting for the interests of all citizens of the city can be overlooked.  Do we look at all the warm and fuzzy things promised by Dave's competitors - parks, library, bike paths - or look at the person who tells you up front what he stands for and how he will get us there?  Dave is the guy you should listen to.  

The best person to tell you who Dave is, what he stands for, and what he wants to accomplish as your mayor, is Dave himself.  Read Dave's Citizen View, "Vision requires understanding the Facts" in the October 27, 2016, Lake Oswego Review. 

 Dave lays out the principal reason he is running for Mayor - it isn't for power, prestige and social engineering, not for personal gain or cronyism.  Dave wants to be the "Citizens' Mayor."  His entire campaign effort is to preserve Lake Oswego as an affordable place to live for people who already live here by holding down taxes and water/sewer rates.  He is interested in prioritizing maintaining our considerable investment in our infrastructure and keeping the community safe with strong fire and police departments.  He wants Lake Oswego to stay the Lake Oswego we all moved here to enjoy.

As the Chair of the Citizens' Budget Committee, he has been frustrated that our City Council (whitch includes the entire City Council and Mayor) has not developed a long term plan to deal with the PERS looming budget crisis, and more aggressive attempts to save money through smart spending - not loss of services as some have suggested.  As for parks, library and the rest - it goes without saying that these are essential to our quality of life.  But we can't have these things unless we have the money to pay for them.  

I have been most impressed with Dave's openness - he actively solicits citizens' opinions and concerns and seeks to understand the true heart of the city.  He is the only candidate for mayor who is not tied to any special interests.  This is intentional - his is a CITIZENS' grass-roots effort.  If you think this means he isn't qualified to be our top leader, think again!  I can't get his lengthy, impressive resume on this blog, but you can find more about Dave at his website;

If you have questions or want more to formation, feel free to contact him through his website.  

  PS:  If you have already voted, tell your friends and neighbors about Dave Berg for Mayor.  
You will be glad you did.  


  1. Who are the two comrades? Inquiring minds want to know.

    1. I assume one is Joe Buck since his name is listed on several ads as a supporter of both Jon and Theresa, and he is a contributor to Jon's campaign and the Friends of LO. I am not sure about the fourth - you should ask Jon or Theresa since they are the ones to claim the "Progressive Majority" if they win election. If you figure it out , will you let me know?

      All in all, I find that Majority thing to be the voice of bullies who want their ideas to win and who don't care so much about anyone else's - unless they agree. It really rubs me the wrong way and I don't like it.

  2. Thanks for replying. Win, lose or draw, we are all Lake Oswegans. I intend to keep civility foremost in my actions - especially when agreeing to disagree. Tuesday cannot come fast enough...

  3. In about 24 hours, it will all be over. Then the hard work of keeping the City whole. The less there is to fight about, the less fighting there will be. Please keep it simple.
