Saturday, April 23, 2016

Man's impact on the planet Earth

Like a lot of other things, Earth Day (yesterday) and the Green movement has gone too far in its militant message about man's negative impact on the Earth.  Some people, especially those who espouse the values of the "degrowth" movement, view almost any sign of the presence of man an abomination.  WE are the problem!  We should get rid of US! - or tightly control us and regulate our behavior in cities, if the former cannot be achieved.  In the United States of America.

This photo collection, "21 Satelite Photos of Earth Will Give You a Fresh Perspective," might change their minds, but probably not.  A guilt-free way to appreciate man's creativity and industry, and also ponder at his destructiveness.

The Twisted Sifter website also has what appears to be dozens? hundreds? of  other showstopper photo galleries in different themed sections.  


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